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Course Objectives

An introduction to Supply Chain Management is a stepping stone to having a deeper and broader understanding about Logistics and Supply Chain and how it has come to be the global fastest growing and leading career of all times. Skilled logistics managers are in demand because of their ability to spot complications and create effective solutions all in support of a company’s objectives. Supply chain management professionals fulfill roles that offer a multitude of employment opportunities. Supply chain management professionals at any stage of their careers can further distinguish themselves by earning industry-recognized certification.

This course will set for you a ground knowledge of what the global logistics and Supply Chain is, leaving you with real life examples of how the logistics industry operates. It will answer questions of Hows? Whats? Whys? Where? And When? Things should be done. This course will help you understand how to effectively manage costs, improve efficiency and increase customer satisfaction. Finally, this is a holistic program that will widen your understanding of how Supply Chain Management can improve and help almost any type of business. After you have successfully run this course, you will be issued a certificate.

61 students enrolled
Target AudienceFresh Graduates, New Industry Entrants, Uncertified Industry Professionals
Type of CourseCertification, With Exam
Suggested30 minutes of study daily
Learning typeSelf-paced learning (100% Online)

Course Outline


Fundamentals of Logistics and Supply Chain Management 27:23 minutes

Fundamentals of Procurement 18:31 minutes

Supply Chain Service Orientation 18:07 minutes

ICT In SCM 23:45 minutes

Fundamentals of Warehousing 26:04 minutes

Performance Management 28:24 minutes

Inventory Management 30:31 minutes

Transportation and Distribution 21:19 minutes
